Operating Theatres
Reduce Risk of Surgical Site Infections
Remove Airborne Pathogens & Pollutants in Operating Theatres
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are caused by bacteria that get in through incisions made during surgery. SSIs lead to more than 90,000 deaths each year, 50% of which are estimated to be preventable. One of the main sources of contamination is particles released into the air by operating room personnel. Small microorganisms and viruses “ride” on these particles and enter through open wounds or inhalation leading to disease and infection.
Reduce airborne particulate matter
Reduce odour from laser plumes and surgical smoke
Inactivate airborne bacteria
NanoStrike Technology is powerful, yet gentle. With no harmful byproducts, it is safe for use around children, the elderly, and the sick. Novaerus portable devices are simple to use, low-maintenance and highly effective for rapid or continuous airborne infection control.